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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Cycling holidays witnessing huge revival

It seems alarming climatic changes are drawing attention of lot of people around the world. Bicycle craze which once became the story of past is seeing a huge revival. Besides mounting environmental problems, health, fitness and the glamour of the Tour de France are various other reasons that are driving a huge revival in cycling holidays.

Britain is one one such place that is seeing a big surge in two-wheeled active breaks. It is becoming a nation of cycling enthusiasts. Research reveals that health conscious Britons are going ‘wheely’ mad for cycling holidays. As many as 450,000 cycling holidays were taken last year, accounting for a collective �120 million.

Whatever be the reason-health, fitness, Tour de France�s glamour or environmental issues, cycling is getting a new lease of life and we hope to see a rise in number of people who opt for cycling holidays. Cycling is the best way to go out on a relaxing break away from the crowds and promoting eco-travel. Next time, you plan to take a break away from the crowd, go out on a cycling holiday. Enjoy!

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Source: Guardian

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